When Someone Dies
Natural causes
When your loved one dies at home, firstly, ring the doctor, and then ring us at Caring Angels Funerals. If this person has been seeing a doctor for the last three months of an ongoing or life threatening illness, then the doctor will issue a Cause of Death Certificate. You will then need to call your Caring Angels funeral director, and we will then take your loved one into our care. Caring Angels are available 24 hours.
Nursing Home
When your loved one goes into a nursing home, they are normally asked to nominate a funeral director. When this time comes, the nursing staff will get in touch with your nominated funeral director.
Sudden Death
When a death is sudden, unexpected, suspicious or a suicide, the family or the doctor have to notify the police.
The police will arrange for the government contracted funeral director to transfer the recently deceased to the John Tonge Centre.
You are under no obligation to use this appointed funeral director. It is up to the family to decide who they wish to choose to continue to look after their recently deceased loved one. This is a decision that needs to be thought about carefully.
Whilst your loved one is at the John Tonge Centre, a post mortem will or may be ordered by the coroner. You need to bear in mind that this may delay funeral arrangements until all necessary documentation has been completed.
When someone dies in hospital
When someone dies in hospital the family will call the funeral director of their choice. At Caring Angels, we are available 24 hours each day. The funeral director will then take your loved one into their care.